Andy's Toys
Vintage Toy Shop
8460 Watson Rd, Suite 132
General Grant Center
St. Louis, MO 63119
Spring hours:
By appointment


By appoinment

11:00pm - 4:00pm

11:00am - 5:00pm

11:00am - 4:00pm

10:30am - 4:00pm

Feel free to call

Works every time...


*NOW on Bluesky!

Pre-1980 Quality Toys and Advertising Signs (no repaints)
*Especially Metalcraft Trucks, Tonka, Steelcraft Trucks, Monster toys, 1977-1985 Star Wars toys!


Welcome to Andy's Toys of St. Louis, MO
We are currently on Season 7 of Nacelle's tv show: 'A Toy Store Near You'. Available on YouTube, GooglePlay & AppleTV

The St Louis Vintage Toy & Advertising Show
See you in JUNE 2025
4300 Hoffmeister at Union Rd, St. Louis, MO 63125
We are proud to have dealers from 16 states SELLING, APPRAISING and BUYING all types of toys and advertising items circa 1895 to 1999! Including: Pop Culture, Transportation toys, Character toys, Monster and Superhero toys, Vintage SCI-FI and Original Kenner Star Wars, Comic Books, Tonka trucks, Promo cars, Marx toys, Japanese Tin, Robots, Dolls & Steiff, Vintage Games, Pre-1990 Diecast including Redline Hot Wheels, Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, Tootsietoys; Antique Advertising Signs and smalls, Petrolina, Gas and Oil collectibles and MORE!

*For future show and convention info contact: STL VINTAGE SHOWS
A new season of 'A Toy Store Near You' includes our toy shop, trailer below:

"Pixel Dan" and I discussing the original Savage/Wonderbread HeMan. Andy's Toys purchased it within an extensive (original owner) collection in 2022.

In memory of super collector and friend, Greg Rhomberg. Rest in peace.

batman comic toy poster photo dairy promo 

KMOX radio 1120am profile of Andy's Toys
Andrew Tolch is a vetted antique and vintage toy appraiser for PRE-1985 TOYS, a collector and owner of Andy's Toys in St. Louis, Missouri. He is a selected memeber of ATCA, The Antique Toy Collectors of America, predicted the Beanie Baby Crash in 1999 while writing for several monthly price guides, and is available for radio, newspaper, podcast, and television interviews regarding toys, the toy market, toy trends, and Metalcraft toys made in St. Louis.
Please direct inquiries to this email: Andystoys
or call: 314.5zero3.5869 ~ All calls pertaining to pre-1990 toys and antique items are returned.
We have made appearances on KMOX radio, the Dave Nemo Show, KMOX Trivia Show, the Pixel Dan YouTube channel, PBS Antiques Roadshow, KTRS radio, KEZK radio, WCCO, KTVI Fox 2 and KSDK Channel 5.

We are always buying Metalcraft Trucks...

Andy's Toys, owner of the Al Korte Metalcraft Archives, is pleased to announce the launch of a new Metalcraft toy truck website in conjunction with this site. We are preparing for the publishing of the definitive guide to Metalcraft Toy Trucks, in the Fall of 2025.

Viktor's bus design for Steelcraft toys.
The St. Louis Antique Toy Show was proud to be part of the
Viktor Schreckengost 100th Birthday/100 Venues Celebration.

Do you have a question or want to sell your toys?
*CONTACT: Andystoys

Any 'C & M' Standard Gas Station Items; photos, promos, ashtrays, etc. This was my grandfather's service station located in St. Louis County, in Oakville and Lemay.

*WE WILL PAY MORE $$$ than any other website or collector for the following
METALCRAFT TOY TRUCKS: WeatherBird Shoes Truck, C6 or better.
EMPIRE Grocery, C7 or better.
ALSO: Any Marx Girard, small advertising vans/trucks
Any TONKA Department Store trucks and any dairy & milk vans.
Any Tootsietoys Private Label trucks, cars, vans and airplanes.
Any and all original Metalcraft Corp paystub or employee-related paperwork.

Updated 2025

The Nacelle Company, Toys and Collectibles, Hollywood, CA.
The Nacelle TV show: A Toy Store Near You 2024
The Dave Nemo Show and Dave Nemo Weekends

*Estate Auction Pros of Missouri* Quality auctions: HERE
Mattel Thingmaker Fan site: CreeplePeeple
The Marx Toybox -A great Marx toy truck site, check it out!
Rebelscum - Kenner Star Wars toys pictoral archive HERE
Sam's Toybox, an interesting site about vintage toys: SAMS

~ Charities ~

STRAY RESCUE of Saint Louis

World Wildlife Fund

~ This site is dedicated to my Father, the original Metalcraft collector, Roy Tolch ~

c. 2020 - 2025
Not affiliated with PIXAR or Disney.

C. 2001-2020